Abdominal bracing: Your internal corset
Imagine the scene: the beach on a glorious summer day, row after row of sunbathers, a group of slightly overweight older gentlemen lounging about. In the distance, a beautiful woman approaches in a tiny bikini. As one, the males suck in their guts and their postures suddenly improve while the oblivious woman makes her way…
Read MoreThe big zzzzzz…
I’ll sleep when I’m dead.” Well, if you’re depriving yourself of some much-needed snooze time, that can catch up to you faster than you might think. We deal our bodies some serious damage on the daily. Whether that’s emotional, physical, or chemical stress, the fact is that we put a lot of wear and tear…
Read MoreHow much water is enough?
We’ve all heard the numbers: drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day for optimum hydration. Unfortunately, this is a debunked theory, just like the old food pyramid. In actuality, there’s still science being conducted researching the exact amounts of water a person needs to drink every day and how this contributes to overall health…
Read MoreNew Year, New Goals
It may be cliché, but you can’t deny that the start of a new calendar year is the perfect opportunity to make some positive changes in your life, especially after the gluttony and decadence of the holiday season. Resolutions don’t have to be ultra-mega-super-mind-blowingly-big-deals. They can be small changes, like drinking more water. However, when…
Read MoreSeated workstation: The rule of 90’s
When you’re setting up your workstation, whether it’s at home or at an office, you want to make sure you’re following a few simple guidelines that can be summed up as “the rule of 90’s.” And no, this is not a conceptualization of how the garage band Nirvana defined a decade+ of music. Working from…
Read MoreCh-ch-ch-ch-changes
Making changes in life can be scary. Trust me, I am MORE than aware of that fact! This doesn’t mean change can’t be exhilarating or thrilling at the same time, though. In fact, change is in our best interest. Life isn’t meant to be stagnant. We get in a groove and get comfy in a…
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